Monday, May 11, 2009

A good bagel

It seems to me that there are four types of bagels in New Jersey. I call them by number. Type 1 are the real old fashioned kind. They are small and chewy with a crust you can't open by pulling apart by hand. These are found in the northern part of the state. I guess because the Jewish population is more concentrated there (?).

Type 2 are decent. They are bigger, not as chewy, but their crusts still contain some backbone. These are the fallback bagels that you can survive on if you can't get type 1. Sold in most bagel shops.

Type 3 and God help you. These are the bagels that we've all become used to, albeit, some less happily than others. Sold in supermarkets and many bagel shops, these are puffed out, airy things that are bagels in shape only with crusts that practically blend into the dough. You may think you are getting your money's worth with these huge pieces of dough but you're just getting another form of wonder bread.

Type 4: what are these? These are hard to explain. If you want an example of one, go into any Dunkin' Donuts shop and order one. We're on a whole new planet, here. Perhaps DD should rename them. Maybe bygollys?

I'm fortunate enough to work near a bagel shop that makes type1, so every week I bring home a dozen for my family. But the couple that owns the shop are getting on in years and I've heard that they will not be passing it on to their offspring. Will the old fashioned bagel fade away. Hopefully, not until I do.